
I hope you enjoy your stay.

About Me  |  Portfolio

What's the Latest?

It's Been a While!

Hey all! I realize I haven't been posting much on this page, so I thought I would check in now that I've done a little backend work to say hello. You may notice that this site now features accounts - something I've been quietly working on for some time. As of now, they don't do much and are more for my new posting system, but I do have some fun plans for them in the future. I also plan to start digging back into projects now that I have graduated and settled into the "adult" life. See you again soon! 😁

Site Updates & Project Progress

Over time, I have been slowly giving this portfolio page the makeover that it was due for. Recently, that has included fundamentally reworking the navigation menu system to be... well, an actual system rather than hard-coded per-page. It's also included revisiting old projects. I find that it can become difficult to keep track of one's own projects when actively engaged in learning new computer science concepts and implementing them for classes. That said, I hope to get back to working on independent projects, such as Blackjack, which just received quite the update. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!

URI's 2023 EGT Career Fair

What a great experience! I was fortunate enough to be apart of today's Career Fair as both a student seeking opportunity and an organization admin looking to network on behalf of Ram Hacks. Many thanks to all those who were involved in providing this opportunity to us!

2023 Internship Complete

After roughly two months, my first internship with Professor Michael Conti is complete! Throughout this time, I was able to exercise my computer science problem solving skills, creating Python solutions to programming prompts in order to later generate .JSON test case files for the Computer Programming class's Autograder.

3D Printing!

Hey there! Today, I'm super happy to bring back a hobby of mine through the use of both a Raspberry Pi 3 mini-computer and my new portfolio website. Thanks to the OctoPi software and a few third-party plugins, I can now share my prints both during and after their completion. In time, I'll have a small collection of time lapse videos and plan to make a nice little gallery for them, but until then I hope you enjoy the livestreaming feature that's all ready to go!

YouTube Migrated

Hey all! This is a bit of a backdated post, but I thought I would note that all of my YouTube content - which is generally just for fun and not so much for my personal portfolio - has been moved to its own website. If you're looking for old posts regarding that content, feel free to swing by Paradoxician.com! 😁

Happy New Year's 2020!

Welcome to 2020 everyone! It's my first day back on the regular schedule at home after an amazing vacation at Lake Tahoe. There was a lot of skiing and crazy views - I'll probably make a video soon. I hope everyone's 2020 goes well!

We're Back!

Welcome to the brand new update! I've modernized, mobile-friendlied, and all that jazz to improve the site greatly. Now, it's time to do all the epic things like videos, game development, and homework. Lots of homework. Anyway, hope to see you around!

Summer Band!

This summer, a good friend of mine started a band group to play at local nursing homes. Her idea was to bring live music to those who can't so easily access it, as well as create a connection between generations. I was fortunate enough to be a part of this group and enjoyed every moment of it!

z107.3 Feature!

When I was just dipping my toe into the waters of YouTube and video editing, I made a video about the many attractions at the Bangor State Fair. This video has now, to my surprise, reached hundreds of viwers and more after being featured on z107.3!

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